We have written two books collaboratively and are currently working on a third. The first book, The HR Scorecard: Linking People, Strategy, and Performance was co-authored by Mark Huselid, Brian Becker and Dave Ulrich. It has been translated into ten languages and is an international bestseller. Our second book was a collaboration between all three of the principals of BHB Associates (Dick Beatty, Mark Huselid, and Brian Becker). The Workforce Scorecard: Managing Human Capital to Execute Strategy was published by the Harvard Business School Press in 2005. It has been translated into seven languages to date and is also an international bestseller. Our current project, The Differentiated Workforce is currently in preparation for publication by the Harvard Business School Press in 2008.
In addition to our books, we have had numerous articles published in outlets such as the Academy of Management Journal, Administrative Science Quarterly, Human Resource Management, Human Resource Planning, Industrial Relations, Journal of Applied Psychology, Organizational Dynamics, Personnel Psychology, Research in Personnel and Human Resource Management, and Harvard Business Review among others.
Our articles focus on a number of topics, including: the linkages between human resource management systems, corporate strategy, and firm performance, the development of balanced measurement systems to reflect the contribution of the workforce, workforce management systems, and the HR management function to business success.